6. Dezember 2017

Kämpft, Genossen! Kämpft, und Genosse Pierre wird unsterblich!

Vor wenigen Tagen starb in Paris in Folge eines Unfalls der Veteran der Gauche Proletarienne (Proletarische Linke), Mitgründer und wichtiger Führer der Maoistischen Kommunistischen Partei Frankreichs (PCM), Genosse Pierre.

Wir hatten nur einmal die Chance, ihn zu treffen. Doch das reichte aus, um einen Eindruck zu bekommen und zu sehen, wie sehr er von dem Streben dem Volke und den Völkern der Welt zu dienen und die Revolution voranzubringen beseelt war.

Ruhm und Ehre dem Genossen Pierre! Er lebt im Kampf!

Hier unser Kondolenzschreiben an die Genossen der PCM:

On this day we want to express our warmest internationalist salute and our solidarity towards our French comrades of the PCM.

We want to honour the memory of comrade Pierre who without and doubt has been a genuine revolutionary to the bottom of his heart and fought with fervor and dedication from the very first days of his struggle, to the moment he joined Gauche Prolétarienne, until the very last day.

We only had the chance to meet him once, but it was enough to see how much he cares for the people, how the younger comrades looked up to him, how tireless he was in organizing the revolution and how confident about us – the movement of the international proletariat – to finally win the struggle and conquer imperialism.

And this is the legacy of comrade Pierre we want to uphold: That his example will enlighten the hearts of young revolutionaries across the world and be with us in our struggle and of course with the French comrades in their struggle and so on… and one day, when the struggle is won and the victory is ours, he along with all the other revolutionaries who gave their lives will be part of it.

Fight, comrades! Fight and comrade Pierre will be immortal.